A very simple WordPress plugin is available here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/include-mastodon-feed/. It took all of one minute to install and activate.. You will need your instance and user id. In your browser use this format to find your id (changing the instance and username obv: https://social.brainsys.com/api/v2/search?q=admin@social.brainsys.com&resolve=true&limit=5. Then from the WordPress Dashboard:
- Add new plugin – search ‘include mastodon’
- Select, install and activate
- Click on plugin ‘view details’ and select installation tab
- Adjust the plugin shortcode to include your details and parameters
- Inset shortcode in required page/post
- Save – and Bingo!
Here’s the first three entres from my timeline:
Loading Mastodon feed...
HowTo: add Mastodon feed to WordPress