Today we opened our new business account at Starling Bank. This is one of the new breed of challenger banks which are totally orientated to online interaction and provide a faster and free service. All invoices issued from today will have the new banking details for payment.
Changing account details should always raise a red flag. We were pleased that a number of our clients did ring to confirm. You can’t be too sure. Please feel free to call to confirm.
We have been with the Co-operative Bank since our foundation in 1993. It’s sad to say goodbye to the original challenger bank. They never recovered from an over ambitious takeover of the Britannia and had to leave the socially motivated Co-op movement to some less scrupulous financiers who are seeking to exploit our loyalty by increasing business account fees this year by 40%.
Hence we jumped ship. We had great customer service from their great employees over 27 years. Their online banking has never caught up with the competition. I guess we are not the only business they lose. It’s a double whammy for the employees also hit be the branch closings as we move most of our business from cheques and cash to totally electronic transfers.
Farewell to the Co-operative Bank workforce and thank you.