A very simple Wordpress plugin took all of five minutes to install and show a Mastodon feed.
HowTo: add Mastodon feed to WordPress

A very simple Wordpress plugin took all of five minutes to install and show a Mastodon feed.
Using the wget command to archive/site rip a website in a single line – completely free!
This is the fourth generation of our website. The beginning was very different. Tim Berners-Lee had defined html but there was no ‘Dummies” guide to building a website. No google to ask. Nobody to do it for you. Netscape beta
The Wordpress RSS widget is great for adding news and stuff to your website. By default it adds an RSS logo to the title. What if you don’t want it?
Here is how I did it by just editing one line
Is the world’s fastest framework for building websites the thinking coder’s answer to Wordpress?
No, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t join Wordpress and DokuWiki in our portfolio.
The latest and greatest edition of PHP is now available to all our users. A major step forward from PHP 7.4. What does it mean to me?
WordPress uploads are limited to a maximum size. Many find it set to 2MB by default. It is straightforward to increase this. If you are using Multisite then go to Network Settings and at the bottom you will find the
5pm on a Friday is when my email inbox goes wild. It feels like everybody on the planet is trying to complete their week’s actions by passing them on to me!
Blind panic this week when our upgrade from 3.7 to 3.8 left our clients unable to log in. A bit fundamental that.
Today we re-launched QwikSites (http://qwiksites.com). Just 20 years after launching Brainstorm we have moved from majoring on building bespoke websites to off the peg designs tailored to your needs using the world’s favourite CMS.